the Venus Academy

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Why you should forget ambition and focus on dedication.

I feel like I blew out the majority of my ambition and hustle mentality a long time ago.

After attending three universities dabbling in psychology, biz admin/marketing and journalism, I spent years learning, living, and building across Africa, Europe, the Caribbean, and the USA.

I look back on the FB memories that come up from the last decade like ZAMN, busybody.

I was doing not only The Most, but All of The Things.

I created businesses, eloped, gave birth, and built an overseas house and bought RVs, vans, and trucks with straight cash.

I ran a brick-and-mortar retail boutique in Hyde Park, and hosted multiple monthly events in my home.

And I have zero interest in any of that stuff anymore.

I was in that yang “I got shit to do” grind, which was cool for the adventure, but unsustainable for my desires at this point in life—which is that of yin receptivity, mom life, creativity, joy rising, and an immovable inner knowing.

The femme’s power is in how we BE.

Bitch, I don’t want to do all that busywork.

So in true Uranian form, I quit a bunch of things and emptied myself, once again.

I do this every so often: kill my former identities, go within to evolve, and rebirth.

Each time, I become more deeply rooted in Truth and solid in Spirit.

We are all always becoming, and stagnation is death.

But it’s okay to die, because after the crucifixion always comes a resurrection. 40 days of darkness to the Light. 40 years of wandering til the promised land.

And I got very clear.

The spiritual life is not where you are “making something happen” — the spiritual life is where you allow everything to happen.

The magnetism of divine compensation is in alignment and allowing.

No matter the form of the work we do, the content remains.

Our work doesn’t have to look like anything, because wherever we are is where we are meant to be.

So instead of being ambitious, I now let the universe be ambitious for me, because I am very clear on that to which I am dedicated.

Pure presence and the extension of our service in the language of love IS the ministry.

Spirit transcends rules. 💎

November 2018 is complete.

What’s new and different for YOU now at the end of this 11th month of an 11 year?
