the Venus Academy

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Left on read: Why you need to give up your communication grievances.

this is what I call PEAK #airsignfuqqery.

Hello again, it’s me.


I cannot STAND being left on read or not receiving responses to my messages in a timely manner.

At the same time, I have a fatal aversion to emails, and at present have 71 unopened text messages and a long scroll of unopened DMs. I struggle with deadlines and procrastinate on writing under the guise of non-diagnosed ADD and feeling like a scatterbrained SMILF who’s spinning her wheels with not enough hours in the day.

And I call myself the Gemini communicator. HA! On my terms, maybe. It’s terrible. Integrity: out!

In my Creativity: Life by Design seminar at Landmark Education in Chicago, we’re looking at being an observer of our reactions this week and were to make a Top 5 List of what irritates and reactivates us.

On top of not receiving timely text responses, my list included asking a question or for help and receiving no response (I can always take NO for an answer, but silence is really irritating), and not being listened to/having to repeat myself.


When it comes to responding to communication, every time I feel the irritation arise that someone is not on my schedule, I look at my own text message notifications and unopened DMs.

For me, it’s sincerely nothing PERSONAL when I’m slow to respond. I’m always dealing with my own shit, and because it takes something for me to get to a space of focus, I go super quiet so I can’t be distracted in my workflow.

So since it’s nothing personal that I don’t always respond quickly to incoming communication, I really can’t take it personally when someone takes a while to respond to me...even when it really REACTIVATES my reaction machinery, and I do have a short list of people I will reply to right away. ;)

But be careful: any time you get into a space of “well, if it were ME, *I* would do this…” you’re in dangerous territory.

Don’t assume others are like you. Reality is subjective, we’re all in our own worlds, and people have their own priorities. Instead, get curious, make generous assumptions, and be peaceful by giving up whatever you need to give up.

Making others wrong NEVER works.

A Course In Miracles Lesson 134 says, “When you feel that you are tempted to accuse someone of sin in any form, do not allow your mind to dwell on what you think he did, for that is self-deception.

Ask instead, ‘Would I accuse myself of doing this?’”

Well zamn, Course Jesus. Read me for filth, whydontcha.

But even before this lesson, I knew this to be the truth. The things others do that irritate us are things that WE do in some way and have yet to integrate them.

Irritations, upsets, reactions and breakdowns anywhere are reminders of what WE are committed to, otherwise the occurrences would just be occurrences and would have no meaning and you’d just be carrying on in your life.

So when you are irritated by what someone is or isn’t doing, your internal alarms are signaling a recognizance of something unintegrated within you, reflected. I know it’s hard to take 100% responsibility for what is showing up in your world, but try it on for size and look at your life.

When you take others as yourself (which is the way to embody true love), you can extend the same grace to them you would to yourself.

So it’s okay, really. I can deal with slow communicators, because as a Gemini child of Mercury, communication IS my curriculum to learn, develop, and teach. And I can’t lead the way if I’m not actively practicing powerful communication and forgiveness with everybody in my life, no exceptions.

And thankfully, especially with my fellow air signs, since we live in the telepathic realm of communicating through the airwaves, we don’t even need the damn telephones...although it is nice to receive that PING.



Are you ready to take action in creating harmony and connection in your life? Book a Venus Talks Relationship Transformation session with me today. We’ll pull up your birth chart, you can share what’s going on in your world, and I will tell you exactly what to do so you can get to the business of causing a miraculous breakthrough in any relationship pain point; I promise.